pROject 2018-2020
Project Summary
Project's motivation:
The Academia Oportunidad operates under the auspices and philosophical orientation of the Instituto de Talentos y Prodigios, Inc. (INTALPRO) foundation. This institute is basically an organization focused on promoting scientific research, innovation, and the development of critical-creative thinking in individuals identified with giftedness. True to this line of thinking, INTALPRO has proposed to train students from the 4th grade of the primary school level with academica and leadership potential, in structured and robust research methodologies. It is expected that the participating students follow these trainings in research studies all the way up to the higher education classrooms.
Immediate objective:
15 students in the 4th and 5th grades, were identified with giftedness on June 24, 2018. During the 2018-2019 and 2019-2020 school years, we will provide them with the knowledge in writing and mathematics-statistics to carry out rigorous research studies within a Saturday program of three hours for 40 weeks.
Demonstration of knowledge:
Students conducted investigations of which they presented their conclusions to the public on June 27 at the Casino del Yuna in Bonao.
The 15 students were divided into four groups. The groups were balanced in such a way that there would be representation of giftedness in mathematics, writing and leadership in each one of them.
Each investigation is based on each of the following questions:
Who are more likely to help a person in need, a professional or a non-professional?
Students: Winston, Yakeilly, Yermely, and Luís Emilio
Who are more grateful, young adults or older adults?
Students: Crismailing, Cristin, Johan, and Ashley
Who has the highest self-esteem, male adolescents or female adolescents between 13 and 18 years of age?
Students: Jhordania, Crislenny, Alanis, and Johanna
Who has better and better performance in school, the children of professionals or those who are not?
Students: Joelina, Crismeidy, and Benyamín
Members of the participating team:
Licda. Lesbia Brea de Castillo (Consultant / Collaborator)
Licda. Socorro Collado (Consultant / Collaborator)
Licda. Leonor Hinojosa (Supervisor)
Licda. Rosa Vicioso (Spanish tutor / writing)
Ingra. Kenya Cruz (Mathematical tutor / statistics)
Licda. Leticia Jáquez (Director / Project Manager)
Ing. Juan Mármol (Logistical support)
Ing. José Susana (Logistical support)
Ing. Yusepiz Rosario (Logistical support)
Ing. Román Jáquez (Logistical support)
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Academia Oportunidad operates within the Institute of Talents and Prodigies, Inc.